Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Global Warming Task

Open the Create a Graph link and create  a pie chart for TASK 1 and a bar graph for TASK 2 using the data provided on the paper given by your teacher. Follow the reading instructions for both tasks.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Reading Survey Report

Topic - Environment
Subtopics - Carbon Print/Global Warming/Alternative Sources of Energy
Text type - Survey Report
Assessment Task - Reading a Survey Report and Graphic Text

Our natural environment is something that we must forever take care of, treasure and respect. Unfortunately, we only have one planet, one earth, one environment and if we ruin it, we risk destroying it forever and causing irreversible damage that will be devastating for us and our generation but even more so for the future generations that haven't had a chance to live, experience and enjoy what we have.

There are many things that each and everyone of us can do help protect our environment and reduce the impact that our life styles and way of living has on the environment. If we each do our bit for the environment, no matter how small, we can create a positive reversal on negative impact. By becoming more environmentally aware and through reducing each of our own carbon footprints, we can minimise the detrimental effect we have on our world.